Anastasia Luscythia
Birth Name: Аnastasia Luscythia
Nicknames | Aliases: Anya, Ana, 'Luscythian Dragon', 'Lizard Bitch' | Anatzahjaxi, 'The Pathseeker'.
Titles: Satrap
Former titles:
Race: Human | Draconian
Alignment: True Neutral, herself
Age: 27 (Ageless)
Birthday: 17th of April
Sexuality: -
Relationship Status: Single
Gender: Female
Languages: Common;Fluent, Draconian;Practically Fluent
(Underlined characteristics are human ones)
Height: 163 cm || 201 cm
Weight: 65 kg || 93 kg
Eye Colour: Green with golden streaks || Molten gold with blackened slits.
Complexion: Pale || Partly Scaled, horned.
Build of Body: Ectomorph
Hair Colour: Red Sand
Clothing: Wears thin and light clothing, oddly so, for a light-skinned individual spending hours upon hours outside, in the searing sun of Zavarah.
Voice: An astonishingly deep, but warm voice. It does noticeably soften when around individuals she feels comfortable with.
Posture: Usually stands in a relaxed, prideful pose.
Ana is a woman of ambition and pride, an hedonist who likes to surround herself with treasures, tasteful and rare foods, art, talented and/or good-looking individuals.
While she acts reclusive, and will most often prefer that behavior- she's very capable of proving particularly talented at social interactions.
She is ever-curious, eager to learn about the world and people as a whole, toying and fiddling with them and throwing them aside as she gets bored.
Anastasia is known to loosely follow the Divine Light.
I don't do relations unless I'm asked through discord or in-game dms.
Only then I'll give you this character's opinion about yours.
(Credits to the artists go to:zehrahessen for the first from top to bottom, Zainora for the third, Oreki Genya for the fourth..)